Title: Bridging The Gap
Author: captainraz
Rating & Warnings: PG; some language
Prompts: Day Of Forgiveness, Mrs Scower’s Magical Mess Remover, Action/Adventure or angst, Location Prompt #1
Word Count: 2,466
Summary: Sometimes the smallest of things can fix the biggest of messes.
Author’s Notes: Didn't think I'd get this done at all, but here I am. And I managed to get all of the prompts in. No Halloween references though. It is set October-ish.
Bridging The Gap
Title: More Than They Bargained For
Author: Captainraz
Rating & Warnings: T, some swearing, refernces to adult themes, though nothing explicit
Prompts: Day of Peturbation, Enchanted Candle, Action/Adventure or Humour and Location Prompts #13 and #32
Word Count: 7026
Summary: The seeds of the idea behind the prank had been sown in the summer, when the Twins had been staying at Grimmauld Place. This time, there really was no doubting that Sirius Black was an evil, evil man.
Author’s Notes: I was a little bit naughty in using two locations prompts, but I was kind of hoping you’d all be too impressed to tell me off :). Especially since I have just about got all my prompts in. Thanks to Shwenny for the beta-job.
More Than They Bargained For