Its weekends like the one I’ve just had that make it exceedingly difficult to keep to any sort of healthy eating plan. When you’re full of cold, feeling miserable and trying to stop your body from doing all sorts of unpleasant things to you, the last thing you want to be doing is thinking about your next meal and how it fits in with your nice healthy diet.
Monday, 29 March 2010
Staying On The Healthy Eating Plan Despite Feeling Rubbish (Or At Least, Not Falling Off Too Much)
Monday, 22 March 2010
Food Week
This week has been a bit of a food week for me. I don’t mean that I’ve overindulged or broken my rules. I mean it in the way that I’ve been looking deeper into what I’m eating, and experiment with fresh and new recipes and ideas.
To this end I’ve been trying to increase the amount of exercise I’m doing. Wednesday evening I spontaneously started doing exercise, of my own free will, because I felt like it. I’ve managed to come up with a short 5 minute exercise routine that I can do at any time during the day. The routine (so far) consists of 10 push ups, 10 sit ups, 10 star jumps, 10 bendy down and touch my toes things, and 10 reps on my ‘weights’. Hopefully once I managed to get a decent sports bra I’ll be able to incorporate some skipping into this routine as well.
I’ve also been taking measures to reduce the amount of oil I use when I’m cooking. Instead of just pouring an indeterminate amount into the pan I’m using, I’ve a acquired a silicon basting brush. This means I can coat the pan lightly and not use too much oil. When I finish the oil I currently have I plan to get one of those 1 calorie per spray things. But for now the basting brush works just fine, and things taste the same as they always did. It’s just I can stop worrying about adding unnecessary calories to my meals.
Full rawmazing rant about weight loss can be found here.
Further thoughts on raw food diets and weight loss can be found here.
Tuesday, 16 March 2010
An Even Quicker Update
Monday, 15 March 2010
A Fairly Quick Update
Wow, haven’t updated this blog in a while. That’s mostly been because its mad deadline season at uni. I’m not going to apologise; this is my blog and I’ve been busy. This does mean that the BMI essay I’ve been getting excited about is on the back burner for now. Maybe I’ll write it over the Easter holiday. Here is, however, a quick update.
- There has been some more noticeable progress with the weight loss. I can now fasten buttons on my lab coat that I couldn’t before.
- I started taking multivitamins, at the behest of a friend’s mother, and I can honestly say I feel much better. It’s obvious that with my diet as limited as it was I wasn’t getting enough essential nutrients.
- I bought some slim fast shakes, and they’re not bad. I don’t normally like milkshakes, so I was surprised by how nice these were. I’m not following the plan or anything; they’re mostly to add some variety to breakfast and to fill in for lunch when I don’t know what to have.
- I’m considering getting some fibre supplements to take. With the change in the amount of carbohydrates in my diet (from stupidly large amounts to just under normal) it’s become obvious that fibre is slightly lacking in my diet.
- One thing I’ve started to notice is that I don’t seem to feel the full sensation properly. I’ve had really quite hearty meals that I’ve felt ravenous afterwards, even though I know I can’t possibly hungry. This might help to explain the overeating I’ve been very guilty of, and hopefully will allow me to avoid it in the future. If my iron will can’t combat it, I’m tempted to go to a doctor to get some appetite suppressing drugs.
- The whole exercise thing is going pretty well too. I’ve not really been doing much in the way of cardio workout, but I’ve been doing lots of walking. You wouldn’t believe how much exercise gets done when I’m running round the lab four afternoons a week. In addition to this walks around the local area are starting to happen more. Which is good because there are also lots of pretty places round here.
- I'm managed to stick to the alcohol promise I made myself, so far. Despite having a bit too much to drink at a party on Saturday, I didn't buy any of it myself. And I tried my best to balance the calories for the day so I wasn't too over my limits.
Tuesday, 2 March 2010
Coping With Bad News, and Making It Good
I did a bit of a naughty on Saturday. Well, I was out at a party eating and drinking to my heart’s content, but that’s not what I meant. While at said party I sneakily borrowed my friends scales (sorry Pinaz!) to get a ball park estimate of how much I weigh. Turns out I’m about 2 stone heavier than I thought I was, which was a bit of a blow to be perfectly honest.