In lieu of an actual proper update from me, because it is exam season and my brainmeats are fried by organic chemistry, I thought I would post this. It's another excerpt from Linda Bacon's Health at Every Size, which I finally got and started to read. So far it's full of things that I feel I should have already known and is possibly better referenced than some of my textbooks.
I've been meaning to post this for a while, and it is something that I am really starting to believe in.
To My Friends and Family:
I understand that you care about me and that you are concerned
about my health and well-being. I’ve learned a lot about issues
related to weight, and I’ve come to believe that I can be healthy and
happy at my current weight. I have also learned, both from personal
experience and studying the physiology of weight regulation, that
dieting and trying to lose weight typically cause more problems than
they solve and are usually unsuccessful, despite strong determination
and willpower.
As a result, I’ve switched my focus to feeling better about the
body I currently have and improving my lifestyle habits for health
and well-being, rather than weight change. I am not giving up—I am
moving on.
I’d like your support. What I need from you is to accept and
appreciate me as I am and to stop commenting on my weight,
weight loss, or the food I eat. Being nagged about what I weigh or
how I eat has never been helpful and has only made me feel worse.
If you are interested, I’d be happy to share what I am learning.
Thanks for your love and concern.
Signature: ____________Captain Raz_________________________
Excerpt from Health at Every Size: The Surprising Truth
About Your Weight © 2008 by Linda Bacon.
May be freely distributed, provided that it remains in its entirety
and this copyright message appears. More info at