Monday, 2 November 2015

NaNoWriMo 2015 - Day 2

Got off to a pretty bad start today. Accidentally fell back asleep this morning and lost a few hours, missing an appointment I had in the process. Not the best start to a week or NaNo, but things like this are the reason I like to get as much done early on as possible; having a bit of a buffer to account for life getting in the way makes me feel a whole lot better.

I know I'm going to have some bad days this month, and a few days where I expect to write 0 words on account of the viva, so getting a lot done when I'm able to makes sense.

Despite the bad start I managed to get some writing time in while heading out for my rescheduled appointment. I had maybe an hour on public transport and in waiting rooms so I tapped away on my Kindle. Found myself thinking about a scene much further along in the novel so I wrote it down and got it out of my head. If I hadn't done that I think I'd have struggled to hit my target of 2k words today. And now I have somewhere in the region of 600 words to throw in a future chapter when the time comes.

Had a decent session this even and hit my target though I ran out of energy so couldn't push too hard. That's fine. I'm ahead at the moment. Still having fun writing , though I've just hit the first really difficult scene to get down. Stopping it halfway through tonight which will hopefully get me moving quicker tomorrow.

Onwards and upwards.

November Word Count

Day 1 3734 : Total 3734
Day 2 2044 : Total 5738