First Saturday of NaNo. Double up day. Since my daily goal is to hit 2000 words my aim for today was to write 4k. And I almost did.
Currently on 3.6k for the day but with spending and evening round a friend's house I'm not sure I'll manage to get the other 400 I need. I'll try to get them down when I get back but no promises. If I do, I'll update the total below. If I don't, 3600 words is a pretty good showing.
No matter what happens I've already exceeded last month's word count in a week. Pleased with my self and I'm dead chuffed with today.
November Word Count
Day 1 3734 : Total 3734
Day 2 2044 : Total 5738
Day 3 1701 : Total 7439
Day 4 1690 : Total 9129
Day 5 1887 : Total 11016
Day 6 2034 : Total 13050
Day 7 3632 : Total 16682