I started doing some freelance editing. According to my spreadsheet I wrote 30,000 words. And I started self publishing some of those words.
It's a little bit scary, putting your words out into the world an asking people to pay money for them. It takes belief and a confidence in your work that I don't always have. But I had it when it matters with these stories; the moment it was time to push the button that said 'publish'.
There are only four items up there now (well, five including the erotica I've published under a pseudonym, but you'll have to ask me nicely if you want me to tell you about that) but it is only the beginning. I have so many more stories in me.
Over the years as I've written I've had countless people offer support and encouragement, for which I am very grateful. Support is wonderful, words of encouragement can make a difference when everything is bleak and the self-doubt is at its strongest. It helps.
But now it's time to ask friends and family to step up, to put words into action. The best thing anyone can do for me right now is to buy my books, read them, and then add a reviewing. Whether the review goes up at Goodreads, Amazon or Smashwords it doesn't matter. I need people to put their money where their mouth is and actually support me. And then let the world know that actual humans have read my words and didn't hate them (or even if you did).
Because right now I'm just starting out. My greatest source of customers are people I already know. So this is me, shilling my own work. It's worth paying money for, I promise.
And then, in the near future, when there are more books available to purchase, I'll ask you again.
Buy my books. Read them. Review them.
Because you love me.
In Short: A Flash Fiction Collection

Objective Reasoning: An Elaborate Crime Story
The Emerald Mist
Beyond the Edge of Reason